Tuesday 23 October 2012

Aboriginal Liaison Officer

The role of the Aboriginal Liaison Officer (ALO) is to assist the Principal in developing effective relationships between your school and the local Aboriginal communities, so as to “close the gap” on Aboriginal disadvantage (Redfern Jarjum College 2012). Other duties of the ALO will generally include; 
- developing consultation and communication strategies that engage the local Aboriginal communities;
- developing and implementing strategies that address the needs of Aboriginal communities;
- assisting the school and the Aboriginal communities to develop, review and implement relevant programs, engaging with the communities in a way that generations long term loyalty and commitment to the school, through value added services and programs;
- assisting in volunteer activities and events that promote the recruitment of volunteers;
-responsibility for the appearance of students and modelling appropriate dress and manner.


Red Jarjum College, 2012, ‘Role Description – Aboriginal Liaison Officer’, URL: http://www.rjc.nsw.edu.au/?page_id=999 (accessed 23/10/2012). 

Image: http://www.inmycommunity.com.au/_uploads/ArticleFeed/resized_d374247aCC_300_300_FitSquare.JPG

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