Tuesday 9 October 2012

Creating and Maintaining Class and School Rules/ Routines


The “Rules within the classroom should be based on mutual respect and safety, and the consequences should fit the cause” (Rogers, B. 1995. Pn 76).  Rules that are developed for the classroom must be clear, few in number and above all enforceable. Having rules within the classroom that are consistently enforced with the same consequences every time allows the students to always know what to expect, where they stand I relation to the rules and what is expected of them (Rogers, B. 1995). Positive reinforcement should also be used as an encouragement and support, to empower the students to achieve positive behavioral goals and outcomes within the classroom and school environment.
Image: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgcQocCYsdIUl0Gm6vcN1fpzh3cCR2Ha1tNxvD6MN33YWq2iY43J4p1Vh9obdHud8tQbZs9Ept4svaEcGS-vDLGThI4wKCGqKgt-YC_Kh-qzurAVCTL7kLyMe3lIlfp2I7vlaJEGbVjaAKm/s1600/class_rules_poster.jpeg


Rogers states that during the “ Establishment Phase” of the year, this being mainly at the beginning of the year but also reestablishing at the beginning of the term and when ever the teacher deems necessary, ‘teachers work hard to set up positive rules and routines which assist in the smooth running of the classroom’ (Rogers, B. 1995. Pn 22). It is important that a routine is always view as a positive experience within the classroom and that reminders are used to help the students negotiate through new routines or in times of forgetfulness.(Rogers, B. 1995).
Routines are important in assisting teachers to encourage good behavior choices as they help a student build confidence in themselves by allowing them to predict what will happen next (Glasser, W, M.D. 1998). Self-confidence is important in preventing behavioral issues and routines can assist both the student in gaining self esteem and self confidence in the classroom. When a teacher has a routine established within the classroom, it allows the students to know what is expected of them and how long they have to complete the set work or task. This will it will help the students to manage their time and as well as their behavior. Children thrive on pleasing people, in this case their teacher and in most cases, work hard to do so. When you have routines it not only benefits the individual student, but the entire class as a whole, as the students experience less stress are confident in their environment and everyone is prepared.
Image: http://usm.maine.edu/smart/mainetac/files/images/class_routines2.jpg

Effective Teaching Strategies

Effective teaching techniques assist teachers to encourage good behavior choices and redirect undesired behavior. Positive reinforcement should be used to redirect the student way from the negative behavior displayed and toward a positive and more welcome or appropriate behavior. To assist in the monitoring of the negative behavior, the teacher should reset the rules and expectations of the classes’ behavior at the beginning of each day and whenever the teacher feels the class or the individual may need reminding. In order for the reinforcement to work the student needs a reachable goal for them to work towards. The student should be rewarded for the desirable behavior when it occurs with praise. For praise to be effective it should be said immediately following the desired behavior, frequently or every time the desired behavior occurs, be said enthusiastically whilst describing the desired behavior the student is exhibiting whilst making eye contact with the individual. The teacher should try to look for a variety of positive behaviors or occurrences to praise. The positive feedback the student is getting will encourage them to display the behavior again in order to receive the positive response from the teacher. (Maag, 2010)

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